Saturday, July 11, 2015


There was a time when I craved for friendship & companionship but as I grew older I realised that when depart from this world your in solitude. When your in this world your surrounded  by people who posess motive and averise which at times can't be understood. Your a resource  for the world till the time your useful  you will be considered  the time you aren't  you will be sidelined with the utmost insensitivity  and humilation. During the time of despair you contemplate and unable to conclude because your mental wounds start to bleed. They bleed for years and years. No matter how good your in hiding your grief but it hurts greviously and people don't  take you serioulsy;they do conclude by saying forgive and forget. You try too hard but cannot  forget and this perilous agony it prolongs till your last breath and ceases the moment your corpse starts to decay.

This agony distratcts and you constantly deviate from your goal. What if your whole life you were told that  your not good enough. These slanderous thoughts don't  part ways with your mind and you remember the  unkind. Every day you fret about your fate but these thoughts  don't  leave your mind. Afterwards you start to question the purpose  of your existence with a lot of resistance.

You question your faith in vain and pain.

Instead of laughter you want to slaughter. When you scotch  doesn't  taste the same. You wonder your palate has betrayed you rather than considering  the possibility of suprious liquor.

Their was a time when You wanted to love someone  but that somone is not destind to be your Juliet.

The cycle  of time teaches a lot. We live in an era where faith has become a paradox thanks to the spiritual  leaders. The irony can't  be understood  because of blind faith. The mistake is regretted.